Line Management: Assigning Users and Editing Line Names

Once your lines have been added to your account, Admin users have the ability to assign which users of the platform have access to use and read messages and reports from each line. 

There are a number of strategies for using line assignments as a way to manage your operations. For example:

  • You can text-enable your existing voice support line to a single queue for all users to select from.
  • You can acquire specific lines for different departments or types of support like billing, appointments, sales, etc.
  • You can give each of your users a dedicated line that only they use to conduct business. 

In any of the scenarios, Admin users will always have access to all of the lines. Only Standard users can have their line access limited. This gives Admins the supervisory and complete visibility into all of the activity happening on the account lines.

Assigning Users to a Line

Go to the Line Management page by clicking on the "Lines" link in the header navigation. On this page you will see the list of lines setup within your account.

To adjust the users assigned to a line, simply click on the Assign Users button within the row on the table. This will open up a modal that will show you how many and which Standard users are assigned to a line already, and allow you to adjust the assignments.

To use the modal to adjust assignments:

  • The left side showcases all Standard users in the account. The right side shows which users are currently assigned to the selected line.
  • You can use the search box at the top of each list to narrow down the list of users if you are looking for a specific user.
  • You can select one or more users to move from either side or the other.
  • The single arrow buttons will move over only the selected users from one side to the other. The double arrow buttons will transfer all of the users from one side to the other.

Once you have finished making your adjustments, simply click Save to apply the changes.

Line Names

Each phone line must have an assigned name for easy identification. Having a familiar line name will help the user quickly identify which outbound line their messages are being sent from.

To edit the line name, visit the "Line Management" page and click the edit icon within the "Name" column. The line name will display in the Conversations page on the message sidebar, Scheduled Messages page, Blast creation/viewing, and Reporting.

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