Reply Faster Using Response Templates

Sometimes your team will get the same questions from different customers, over and over again. There may also be instances where reoccurring issues happen and a standard response is needed. That is when a Response Template can be extremely helpful. 

Response Templates can interchangeably be thought of as canned responses. With this feature, you can create a message and save it as a template that your team can insert as their reply instead of typing out a full message.

Example Uses for Response Templates

  • Conversation Closing - You can create a standardized way to end a conversation with a customer.
  • Outage Acknowledgment - Should your system or website is experience an outage, a response template can help you quickly respond to those inbound texts inquiring about the status.
  • Hours of Operation - For when people inquire about when your business is open/closed.
  • Address/Location Information - Providing a quick reply for your location information.
  • Standard Pricing/Packing Information - Create an easy, standardized message to send out about pricing or packaging questions.

Creating a Response Template

To create a response template, simply go to the Responders menu in the header and select "Response Templates" from the submenu.

Once on this page you can either create a new template or edit an existing one. In either scenario, you have three pieces of information you need to define to have a working Response Template.

  1. Name - This is simply a field that allows you to provide a recognizable name for the Responder Template that will help identify it's purpose.
  2. Message - Within this text area, you can type up your message (up to 500 characters) and choose to add emojis or add an image.
  3. Lines - This dropdown will allow you to select which phone lines this Responder Template will be active on.

After entering the information, simple click the Add or Save button to make your changes.

Using a Response Template

Now that you have templates added, your team can begin using them to interact with your customers. These quick reply templates are available within our Conversations product. In the compose box for any conversation, we display an icon that when clicked, pulls up a list of available templates to use.

Simply select one of the response templates and it will automatically populate within your compose message box, ready for you to send.

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