Attachments, Dynamic Parameters & Other Message Options

When sending a message within our platform, we provide you with a number of options to enrich the interaction. Each option provides specific functionality to help you craft the perfect message to your customers, while being easily accessible directly next to the Message Box.

Message Options

All of the message options are available beneath the Message Box and next to the Send button. These options are available within Conversations, Keyword Responders, Auto-Replies, and even when creating Response Templates. Each of them when clicked, open up a menu of options for you to interact with and make your selection. Each message option is described in detail in the sections below.

Response Templates

Our platform has a feature called Response Templates, that operate much like a canned response. Once you have added these to your account, they will display as an option to select to populate your message. When you click on the comment template icon, you will be presented with a list of the Response Templates that exists on your account and are available on the outbound line that you are using. Simply find the template you would like to use and click on it. It will then automatically populate the template into the message box.

NOTE: If you do not see this icon, please make sure you have setup at least one Response Template in your account. You check by going to the Response Templates page under the Responders menu in the header.

Dynamic Parameters

Dynamic Parameters are specific tag snippets that our system will recognize and then automatically populate content into the message based off of the parameter used. To access this option, click on the "code" icon to display a menu with the available options for parameters. Clicking on one of the parameters will insert it into the message at the location of your cursor. The parameters available are based on the fields we collect for Contacts. If you use a parameter and a contact does not have that information saved on their record, it will be replaced with a space.

The available parameters are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Mobile Number
  • Email
  • Line Name
  • Note
NOTE: The replacement happens on sending of the message. Depending on the method we send the message, it may not appear as if the data was replaced in the conversation window. When this occurs, the parameter was replaced but the message history may need to be refreshed to show the latest message content.


Emojis are a fun way to add character and personality to your messages. We have a full library of available emojis to use, simply click on the smiley face icon and select one of the emojis from the menu. When selected we will place the emoji at the location of your cursor in the message. You can add as many emojis as you would like as long as it fits within the character limit of the message.

Images & Attachments

Within Textel, you can add up to 10 attachments to a message within Conversations. For Responders, the limit is one attachment per responder. Attachments can be useful when sharing images, coupons, promotions, and other important information that needs a richer format outside of the standard text. 

To add an image or attachment to a message, simply click on the paper clip icon. This will open up a dialog box on your computer to select a file or files. Once you have selected one or more files to attach to your message, you will see a thumbnail version in the top right of your message box. You can choose to remove the file(s) by clicking the x icon. 

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