Adding User Signatures

Each user profile has the option to auto include a custom signature with every text message sent. Similar to an email signature, these can be automatically added to each outbound message. This can be useful in situations reminding the mobile user to opt out, include contact information of the Textel platform sender, and much more. 

Creating a Signature 

To create a user signature, click on your user email in the top right corner of the screen and click the “My Profile” button.

There is an option under Additional Settings to enable/disable a custom signature. Here is where you will type your custom signature and save it to your user profile   

  • You can enable/disable your custom signature at any time. 

Adding a Signature to your Texts 

Your custom signature will automatically be enabled when selecting a conversation to text in. The signature is not visible in the conversations box as the text message is being drafted but will display after the text has been sent.

  • The signature counts against the total number of characters allowed in the text message and is displayed when creating a new message. 
  • You can disable your signature from the send message box but will automatically enable every time you reload a message. 
  • Automatically disabling the signature is done via the “Additional Settings” section under your user profile.

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