User Roles & Access

When inviting new users to the platform, it is important to understand the different user roles available. Below is a breakdown of the default permission sets for each type of user role.

Standard Users

  • Can import and add contacts
  • Can add and edit contact lists
  • Can view the Keyword Responders & Auto-Replies
  • Can view Response Templates
  • Can view conversations (based on their line access & product access) 
  • Can claim, transfer, release, and end conversations with customers (based on their line access & product access) 
  • Can create Blast campaigns (based on their line access & product access)

Admin Users

Admins can do everything that a Standard user can do plus:

  • Can invite and delete users
  • Can set user roles on each user
  • Can add and edit Keyword Responders & Auto-Replies
  • Can delete contacts
  • Can view and use all products activated on the account
  • Can manage users access to products on the account
  • Can manage, view, and use all lines on the account
  • Can manage users access to lines on the account

Product & Line Access

In addition to general permissions, Admin users have the ability to control access to specific products and business phone lines. They can set this access at the time of invite as well as editing it at any time after user creation. This access influences what a Standard user may be able to do within the platform.

  • Product Access - This refers to the ability that Standard users can view and interact with specific products within the platform. The list of available products is limited by what is available at the account level. Examples of products include Conversations and Blast. If a user does not have access to a product, they will not see it at all when they log into the platform.
  • Line Access - This refers to the ability for Standard users to to use an outbound line on an account. Standard users can only see conversations and send outbound messages on lines they have access to.

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